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– Social Media –

Our switched on, media savvy team were involved in social media right from the start. We understand the importance of dialogue in any business, and the access that social media allows directly into the audiences hands.
More than 75% of consumed internet traffic in the coming year will be video based. YouTube, Vimeo and other video based sites are becoming increasingly popular year after year. Even other social media sites such as instagram, Facebook and Twitter are great platforms to show promotional videos. In 2014, OFCOM released a report suggesting that FaceBook is the default social networking site for around 96% of adult internet users in the UK, with Twitter following at over 10m UK users.
Our pages currently have almost 130,000 friends and followers, due to our continual use of relevant and useful content, customer interaction and desirable competition prizes. This in turn directs good traffic to your videos. We can also help put together a YouTube page for your business and advise you on how to gain maximum coverage and interaction.
Media Chameleon’s Social Media:
Join us on our social media pages and let us make the most of social networking for you right now.